“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The Golden Rule (Author Unknown)
I’m sure you immediately think all children know the Golden Rule, but you might be surprised! Ask them! If you did not hear this at home, you did not attend church, you did not attend a school where teachers felt free to share anything “remotely” religious and you were not exposed to any Christian media, where would you have heard it? Though not called the “Golden Rule” in scripture, the concept is conveyed in multiple Bible verses and Luke 6:31 nails it pretty closely! The concept of of loving others as we love ourselves is certainly Biblical and is a very important part of the greatest commandment found in Matthew 22:37-40 where we are instructed to love God first and our neighbors as ourselves. However, this saying, though noble in concept, is not humanly possible without what someone once described as a “heart transplant”! Once we have a new heart however, we can do all things as we are told about in Philippians 4:13! (Learn more about a Heart Transplant in the “Core Theology” blog quotes”)